About Terre d’incanti – English

Terre d’incanti is a permanent project of participatory art that starts from the heart of each community: its families, boys and girls.

We have created two places where art, culture, education and digital come together to create a new project for boys, girls, teenagers and families.


In Vinaio , where a canvas was made known in Eastern Europe because it never tore, a former dairy becomes a place to produce beauty, art, participation

In the “Latteria” (ex-dairy) people will meet their creativity, they will play with their hands and with their desire for beauty, guided and accompanied by an artist loved throughout Italy.

Exhibitions and editorial products, installations and videos, performances and new workshops and games will be born.

Rifugio and Playroom

In Val Lauco, a splendid green lawn at the edge of the wood hosts a small restaurant the “Rifugio”.

A project of food education through which discover ancient flavors.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can experience an enchanting place, before or after the atelier in the “Latteria”, perhaps with a nice walk from Vinaio to Val di Lauco (an hour and fifteen minutes on foot, a few minutes by car, it is 4 kilometers away).

The refuge hosts a “special” room. It is a covered place where families can play.
The Playroom, designed by Hervé Tullet and Alessandra Falconi, offers different locations in which to rest and hide, compose images with custom designed game kits to play even after dinner, when night comes and the fluorescent colors are all to be discovered.

Summer school

Our summer schools are dedicated to the teenagers of the area. They will have the possibility to work with many artists.

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